Friday, August 19, 2011

20 Weeks

It's amazing what can happen over the course of 20 weeks. I am sitting here thinking about what it was like when I was 20 weeks pregnant with Colton back in November. Brian had just got home from deployment, literally the day before I was 20 weeks. A few days later we found out we were having a boy and it was Thanksgiving. I was showing but not too big, I was starting to see my baby bump over my boob. I could feel Colton move every once in a while but nothing big. Flash forward- today Colton is 20 weeks old. It's amazing how much he has changed since he was born! He went from a lump on a log to an active, chatty, and happy baby boy. He loves to chew on everything, read books, roll around, sit and stand up, and his favorite grab my hair and not let go!

These last 20 weeks have been nothing but amazing! Sure there are times when I was down right exhausted and couldn't seem to get a thing done, but I wouldn't trade anything for the time I have spent with Colton. Sadly, I head back to work next week. Colton will start day care on Monday and Tuesday while I go in to work on my classroom. We will spend Wednesday together before I officially go back Thursday. Colton will be going to an in-home day care center that is fully licensed. I am really happy with this placement. CJ will be the youngest one there so he won't be fighting other little ones for attention. The next oldest is 15 months. We went and visited a few times and he really enjoyed watching the other kids. They were very excited to see him and they have a "feet only" rule, where they can only touch his feet. Luckily, Brian is working from 2-10 so Colton won't go to day care until 11 or so and I will pick up around 4. It makes me feel better that he will ease into it instead of being there from 7-3 or 4 every day. Brian's schedule should change mid-September but Colton should be well adjusted by then.

Here are just a few reasons why I don't want to leave this lil guy...

<3 this face more than anything!

Sophie is a hit!

Afternoon nap on mommy

Cuddling with Tigger

Hating mornings.... 9:45am

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