Saturday, August 27, 2011

A week of firsts

This week has been an exciting and busy one for Colton. Monday he started day care. We wanted him to go for a few hours while I was still off so I could get my classroom ready and if need be, I could get him if there were any problems. Needless to say, Colton really enjoyed day care. He loved watching all of the older kids play. Tuesday he (and me) experienced his first earthquake! Yep, an earthquake in Virginia, a 5.9 one at that. Who would have thought? I was at school and thought I had gotten dizzy, I heard a noise in the building but thought it was just someone moving a box of books. We were immediately told to evacuate the building. It took me a while to get through to Brian and day care, but every one was fine. As I am typing, we are going through a hurricane. Thankfully it was downgraded to a category 1 from a 3! I have never really been nervous about them, but since Colton his hear now, boy did I worry! I remember a time when hurricane supplies consistent of a flashlight and beer. Those times are definitely over! We have plenty of water, ice, non-perishable food, flashlights, radio with batteries, gas in the car, and cash. Okay, okay, I did make sure to pick up some beer! We have been lucky so far with just some heavy rain and winds.The power has gone off a few times, but has come back on within a few minutes. However, the worst has yet to come. They are expecting the worst to be here between 5-10PM. I will just be glad when it is all over. Never did I think that being a mother would make me worry so much!

All good things must come to an end.... (8/24)

Today was my official last day of summer/maternity leave. I was lucky enough to be able to stay home for 20 fabulous weeks with Colton. I can't believe how much he has grown and learned in such a short amount of time! It just amazes me. This morning we met a bunch of friends up at Busch Gardens and spent the morning and early afternoon walking around. Colton enjoyed riding in his big boy stroller because he can see everything (he is such a nosy baby)! After such a wonderful beginning to the day, one would think we would continue to have a fabulous day.... not so much. I'm not sure what was up with him because he is generally a very happy baby, but he basically cried for the better part of 5 long hours! Nothing I did helped, just when I would think he was asleep he would wake up screaming again. I'm afraid teething may be rearing its ugly head. Of course, by the time Brian got home from work Colton was fine. I have really enjoyed spending all of this time with Colton  and wouldn't trade it for the world! <3

Friday, August 19, 2011

20 Weeks

It's amazing what can happen over the course of 20 weeks. I am sitting here thinking about what it was like when I was 20 weeks pregnant with Colton back in November. Brian had just got home from deployment, literally the day before I was 20 weeks. A few days later we found out we were having a boy and it was Thanksgiving. I was showing but not too big, I was starting to see my baby bump over my boob. I could feel Colton move every once in a while but nothing big. Flash forward- today Colton is 20 weeks old. It's amazing how much he has changed since he was born! He went from a lump on a log to an active, chatty, and happy baby boy. He loves to chew on everything, read books, roll around, sit and stand up, and his favorite grab my hair and not let go!

These last 20 weeks have been nothing but amazing! Sure there are times when I was down right exhausted and couldn't seem to get a thing done, but I wouldn't trade anything for the time I have spent with Colton. Sadly, I head back to work next week. Colton will start day care on Monday and Tuesday while I go in to work on my classroom. We will spend Wednesday together before I officially go back Thursday. Colton will be going to an in-home day care center that is fully licensed. I am really happy with this placement. CJ will be the youngest one there so he won't be fighting other little ones for attention. The next oldest is 15 months. We went and visited a few times and he really enjoyed watching the other kids. They were very excited to see him and they have a "feet only" rule, where they can only touch his feet. Luckily, Brian is working from 2-10 so Colton won't go to day care until 11 or so and I will pick up around 4. It makes me feel better that he will ease into it instead of being there from 7-3 or 4 every day. Brian's schedule should change mid-September but Colton should be well adjusted by then.

Here are just a few reasons why I don't want to leave this lil guy...

<3 this face more than anything!

Sophie is a hit!

Afternoon nap on mommy

Cuddling with Tigger

Hating mornings.... 9:45am

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Continuation of July

Here are more pictures of our trip to Kentucky & Nebraska:

Getting some breakfast while CJ is still passed out!

My sleepy little man! <He hates mornings, much like mommy>

I earned my 1st set of wings!! I slept the whole flight.

B & Jake having fun

Alexa was smitten.

Such imaginations

Jake having fun with the camera.

Colton loved them!

Fun in the pool.
Chilling out after a long day.

Being silly

Jake & Amber bowling

Louisville Slugger Museum

Ready for the tour

So that's how they make them!

Batter Up!
Breakfast with Nana & Papa
