Sunday, July 31, 2011

The crazy month that was July...

July came and went faster than I could blink! We had a great time on our trip to Kentucky and Nebraska and have been trying to catch up since we got home last week. Colton has grown so much since my last post a few weeks ago. The week we were gone he decided that sleeping on his side was the cool thing to do. When we got home Monday he decided that he did like to push up on his arms and rock on his belly AND that he loves to roll onto his belly when he is sleeping (much to mommy & daddy's dismay). The problem with him sleeping on his tummy is that he doesn't always get his head to face to the side, I find him face planted in the mattress (freaks me out!) OR he gets so mad that he is on his tummy that he screams. Now we just have to wait until he learns to roll tummy to back. Ohh... another trick Colton learn is his complete love for his hands! He puts them in his mouth and goes to town chewing and "talking" up a storm.

Colton went on his first car trip and plane ride and was a trooper for both. He enjoyed all of the attention he got from Nana, Papa, aunts, uncles, and lots of cousins! Here are some pics from our trip:

In the car ready to go on a 10 hour trip!

We made it to Kentucky, just a few more hours till we get to nana & papa's house.

With cousins Autumn & Tyler

Proud big cousin Autumn

Uncle Danny & Ms. Sarah
Uncle D likes to pretend he doesn't like me, but here I am napping on him.

Can you tell she loves her uncle?

She thinks I'm pretty cool too.

Brian & Colton with his best friend Mike & Lilly


Brian & Tyler

I like to sleep through the action.

Aunt Christy & Uncle David

Silblings & kids minus Gavin

Brian with his brothers & sister (trouble x4)

Chillin' with daddy and Tigger before bed

 **I will have to update with more pictures once blogger stops acting stupid**

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Blurry *Should have posted 7/12, but didn't*

       Amazing how life seems to be going by in one big blur now that Colton is here. Every time I try to update the blog, I get side tracked with something else. Don't get me wrong, the blur that now is life is absolutely amazing. Every day Colton does something new that makes me realize just the depth of love I have for this amazing little boy. Every smile and giggle melts my heart and soul! Colton is going to be well traveled this summer. We are headed to Kentucky at the end of the week to visit grandparents, aunts, uncles & cousins then from there flying to Omaha to spend a few days with more family! I'm dreading the packing. Little ones need so much stuff and I'm afraid I will forget something, not that I can't buy what we needs, but who really wants to do that.

         I can't believe that Colton is almost 3.5 months! It makes me a little said that it is almost the middle of July, that means a little over a month before I have to go back to work and leave my baby boy in someone else's care all day. Unfortunately, we aren't in a position where I could be a stay at home mom and live the lifestyle we enjoy. I know he will be fine, but I will definitely miss him.

Colton loves to chomp on his hands and has found his feet so he holds onto them a lot. He rolled over Saturday for Brian, but has decided to just tease me since then. Right now, his favorite thing to do it stand in our laps and bounce.

Pictures from the last few weeks:
 Busch Gardens- Father's Day Weekend
 Daddy's Birthday Dinner
 All Smiles!